Pittsburgh, Trip #2


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Dave was unfortunately run over by a tank at the beginning of our journey.  How foul.

Resurrected like Jesus, Dave mounted the tank and Scott quickly followed.  How erotic.

Having conquered the tank, we sat there some more.

Turns out Fish is bigger than we thought.  Many people died when he was overly aroused.

After Gaku and Scott saw the picture, they couldn't resist.

Ummmmm...  The hallway?  Yes, the hallway.

Don't eat at Chili's.

The Van?  Yes, the Van.

Fish was tired from the activities of before.

Scott was even more tired than Fish..  What kind of sleeping posture is that?

"Hello?"  "Yes, yes, yes.  No."

Falling water.  Look.

Less water, more falling.

Less water, less falling, more rocks.  Cantilevers?  Cantilouvres?

Gaku.  Foot washing pond.  Trying to make it appear he is urinating.  Yeah.

Here is where you see all the water at view number two.

This one kid serenaded us about Sancho.  Oh wait, I have to make us ignore the table.  This other kid passed out.

Sac Shop?  What do they sell there?  We found out. This guy wanted a jump, so we offered him one, then drove away.