Grasp on the surface is failing. Time to head deeper. When gravity announces a challenge, it's never one you can refuse. It's rarely one you can win.

Down, farther down. The deeper one gets -- the closer to the center -- the less gravity...

Falling is easy; how deep will your crater be and how much farther will be left to go?

The deepest tunnel; traversing all strata of doubt. No way it can collapse. It's been there for years... How deluded, to think you can change the world.

Inside is different. That deep. So deep. Solitude. Sanctuary. Yet a place from where you can call and have everyone feel the tremble of your voice.

I've never known a man expert enough to do it, but I don't know many men.

I don't have far to fall. My crater won't be too deep. It makes the surface reachable, the heavens near impossible, but down?? Who could expect it? What would become of it?

March 1, 2000