Fish's Birthday!

Fish's parents weren't satisfied with only having a celebration on new years eve, so in the spring of 1979 they had a lot of sex. They both had afros. And saris. And then on December 30, 1979, Fish popped out of his mom's uterus amongst great fanfare and a puppet show for some reason.

Now, exacly 23 years after the infamous result of his parent's fornication, Fish threw a party. Numerous people came to his house!

Obviously, here are some pictures summarizing that party. Then, you will see pictures of the actual night prefacing the year of 2003. There are no pictures of his conception nor his birth. At least, not on this site. I will tell you more when you shuffle along through my slides thusly:

Here is the side of Matt, as we moved stuff out of the sauna.

Check out his new watch.

The birthday boy! Awww.

This may have been right before Matt and I had our camera duel. The first camera duel.

First Sag takes offence from the ceiling and fingers it.

Then he and Mo danced danced danced.

Everyone eating pizza is out of focus.

Ok, so maybe Sag keeps giving me the finger for some reason.

Mike and Amanda, ready for some more saucy drinks.

Mike and Amanda, only, you know, different ones this time.

Matt's telling someone to call the Wambulance.

That's me.

Matt really wants to tell her to call the Wambulance again.

Mo, eating pizza.

We just poured water on fish.

So he took his shirt off.

Then he thought about how he just stepped in a garbage can full of puke.

Then he was happy.

Then Sagar looked in on him.

Then Matt wonders why his wrist is so limp.

Yep, there we are.

As Sagar gets ready to play "Date Rape", Carly admires Chris on the couch.

With stuff from me and Matt.