People constantly try to moralize the past. They see the mistakes of humanity as needing vindication or requiring vengeance. Humanity, though, has progressed as it has not because we chose the path of evil nor that of good. We have all always been participants in our universe. We react as needed and we take what’s wanted.

Morality serves only as a steering mechanism for the future, but its precepts are rooted solidly in this past of which we have no control. As a whole we did not choose our morals. They vary from person to person, nation to nation, and religion to religion.

The conflicts resulting from these differences have been extreme, but as with all things they were part and parcel of our existence. The most powerful morals usually win; they are defined as powerful only because the societies that wield them {no, that are based on them} prove themselves powerful in these conflicts.

When people become more unified and as society becomes more global, a broad moral consensus will eventually be realized. Morals themselves are only valuable insofar as they give societies the ability to succeed. Younger generations, unbound by tradition, will seek comfort in the morals that lead to the best life. The best life in the global society we see evolving around us right now is that of success.

This morality so vast in scope will lead to a reduction in conflict. Without conflict no new prevailing morality could overcome the status quo. Society would stagnate, and if the prevailing morality were strong enough, no revolution would take place. We will face a period of ennui unparalleled to any in the past. Until some external conflict arises and our backs are once again against the wall, we will remain in this hibernation state, not as a single nation, but as a species.
